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Engage, Debate, Lead: Your diplomatic journey begins here

15th & 16th November, 2024

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At New Millennium School, Bahrain, we believe in shaping future leaders, and the New Millennium Model United Nations (NMMUN) Conference is where this transformation begins.
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Grassroots to the Global Stage: Localizing Solutions to Global Challenges

The world is rife with various problems of different kinds; international disputes, refugee crises, food shortages, global epidemics at risk of becoming pandemics, and other problems that seem to be multiplying ever more. The issues appear perpetual, but the solutions are within our grasp, for they lie neither on an international or national level, rather they lie on the local level from where the everyday man is capable of making a change.

The pandemic was a crisis unlike any other as people were confused, worried, and anguished over what would happen next, as the future at the time seemed to be murky and bleak, yet these common citizens of everyday life themselves held mask-up campaigns, setting up community kitchens for those without jobs as community healthcare workers managed the crisis, all these acts would spread throughout the world as the local man of everyday life dealt with critical issues with simple and easily implementable ideas.

These common people and their everyday knowledge and skills are the grassroots of the world, something which has long since been ignored in favor of high-stakes multinational diplomacy on the global stage. Still, the time is here, the time to bring a new and fresh outlook on global issues by raising these grassroots and bringing them to the forefront and solving these issues with a local solution and idea.

Discover Diplomacy Embrace Change

The NMMUN Conference isn't just an event; it's an opportunity to explore the complexities of global diplomacy. Here, you'll step into the shoes of world leaders, debate critical global issues, and draft resolutions to make a real impact.

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conference in session

Why Join Us:

  • Educational Experience: Gain an in-depth understanding of global affairs and the art of international diplomacy.
  • Personal Growth: Develop leadership, teamwork, and problem-solving skills essential for your future.
  • Global Network: Connect with like-minded peers who share your passion for global change.
  • Fun and Fulfillment: Enjoy an intellectually stimulating, fun-filled day leaving you with a sense of accomplishment.




Ready to start your diplomatic journey?
